Friday, February 21, 2025
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Don’t be deceived by new age temptations!


Don’t be deceived by new age temptations!

“But the messages seem so accurate! But this tool brings me comfort and helps my relationships! But this helps me to relax! It’s okay for me to use this New Age method even though I’m a Christian, because (fill in the blank justification).”

People write to me with these arguments trying to justify using New Age methods. Of course the devil makes New Age methods enticing! He did the same thing to Eve with his false promises.

The new age methods are addictive because they seem to offer benefits. The devil mixes in truth and lies. People are often surprised to learn that, yet it’s is in the Bible in Acts 16:16-19 with the story of the demon-possessed girl who gave accurate psychic readings and made her handlers a lot of money. After the demon left, she was no longer psychic.

Don’t be deceived! Resist the devil’s temptations to go outside of God’s will. You don’t need to try to predict or control the future. You only need to pray about the future, and trust God to guide the situation exactly as he wills.