The Truth About Spirit Guides
New agers follow “spirit guides” for guidance. These spirit guides aren’t ancestors, animals, ascended masters, or angels, as the new age falsely teaches. They’re demons in disguise, leading people away from the true Jesus and the Bible. They promise abundance, soul mate relationships, life purpose careers, and health . . . but they never deliver. Instead, these de…mons create destruction and lead unsaved people to hell.
I was following spirit guides for decades, completely spiritually blind to their true identity. It was only through God’s grace that my eyes were opened to their true identity. Now I’m here to warn others who have ears to hear.
If you currently follow spirit guides, please repent and pray for Jesus to deliver you from this evil.
I repent and apologize for following spirit guides and teaching about them. May we only follow Jesus, who is our King, Redeemer, Savior, and Lord.
Please read the Gospel of John in the Bible.